Sparkbrook Christ Church
Sparkbrook, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Diocese of Birmingham
Client capital
Sparkbrook Christ Church is a 400 sqm community facility and part of a £12million landmark hub located in the residential area of Sparkbrook in Birmingham.
Sparkbrook was home to several well-loved but disparate facilities, including Sparkbrook Family Centre, Farm Road Health Centre and on land opposite, the remains of a Victorian Christ Church. With Prime’s LIFT partnership, BaS LIFT, already in talks with Heart of Birmingham Teaching Primary Care Trust and Birmingham City Council about delivering new healthcare facilities in the area, Prime welcomed the church into the scheme, using its development expertise to mix funding streams and facilitate a complex land swap, allowing a complete site reconfiguration.
The resulting two-storey church building combines contemporary design with a distinct ecclesiastical feel. Offering more than just a space to worship, the building serves the local and wider community. With a community café at its heart and a flexible multi-use space, the design welcomes new visitors and also offers local residents the opportunity to hire the facility.
The team understood our vision and has designed a building that not only accommodates our congregation but serves the local and wider community.”
Reverend Steve Simcox, Sparkbrook Christ Church