Limerick Primary Care Centre

Limerick Primary Care Centre

Limerick, Ireland

Health Service Executive

The Southside of Limerick is set to benefit from investment in a new, modern primary care centre which has been built for the Health Service Executive (HSE).

The centre provides a wide range of services to the local community, including GP’s, community nursing, dentistry, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, social work, home help and mental health support, as well as housing the brand new integrated team for diabetes management in the Mid-West.

With planning approved, the HSE asked Prime to review plans for the 1,700sqm project to ensure they would deliver best value, innovation and quality, while ensuring future proofing. The centre is a two-storey building with a crisp, modern design. Prime made a number of recommendations on the use of external space, including the provision of additional parking spaces, improving the set down space and adding rails to doors.

Drawing on the expertise of its team of specialists, Prime suggested a number of changes internally which would add value to the scheme and benefit both staff and visitors to the centre. Moving the children’s play area closer to the waiting area and adding an external door and external overhang created protected space for children whilst allowing them to be closer to parents. The waiting areas were opened out increasing seating for patients and an additional small waiting area was planned on the first floor benefiting the elderly and/or unwell by being closer to consulting rooms. Prime also ensured that positive staff experience was at the heart of design by considering the adjacencies of treatment and utility rooms, whilst the addition of a partition between staff areas and public space provides privacy and security. The team also identified scope for a future expansion space and the ability to deliver a further GP suite.

Limerick Primary Care Centre exemplifies a truly collaborative project which has seen all partners work closely to deliver a primary care centre which reflects the needs of the community while providing quality and innovation.

The new primary care centre in Limerick City will enhance local health services and bring the benefits of such health care delivery closer to communities.”

Elena Secas, Labour Party Councillor City East.