Coolock Primary Care Centre
Coolock, Ireland
Health Service Executive
With a population of over 2,600 the Dublin suburb of Coolock, was developed between 1952 and 1987, when the then Dublin Corporation implemented a programme of slum clearance by building new properties.
Today, it still has the largest stock of local authority housing in Dublin.
To better serve its burgeoning community, Coolock is set to get a new primary care centre in 2018. The development, being built for client the Health Service Executive (HSE), will see the demolition of the existing HSE administration building and HSE health centre building. This will be replaced by the construction of a 4,500sqm Primary Care Centre.
The split-level two and three storey centre, will provide a wide range of community-based services, such as GP services, dentistry, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and public health nursing.
Once the HSE had taken the project through design and planning it enlisted the support of Prime to review the plans to ensure best value, innovation, quality and future proofing. Using its 20 years of expertise in healthcare property development, Prime was able to recommend a number of design changes which not only added value to the scheme but enhanced the visitor, staff and patient experience as well.
The recommendations included adding doors to allow access to the external courtyards to be accessed and utilised and providing an outdoor space for use in physiotherapy treatments and a place to rest between treatments.
Another simple, yet practical recommendation made was relocating the photocopier room to allow better access from reception. Whilst only a small change in terms of design this alteration afforded operational ease which will greatly improve the daily routine for staff in this area. A store room was also re-planned and divided to add a utility room with external door making the working environment more efficient and user friendly for the building services engineer.
It’s great news for the community … the €70 million project … is one of the first projects to be financed under the European Fund for Strategic Investment Initiative established to support investment across Europe.”
Finian McGrath, Minister of State with Responsibility for Disabilities.