PM praises ‘major benefits’ of NHS LIFT Programme as part of twentieth anniversary celebrations

8th June 2021

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PM praises ‘major benefits’ of NHS LIFT Programme as part of twentieth anniversary celebrations

The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has praised the achievements of the NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) Programme as it celebrates its twentieth anniversary.

Established in 2001, the NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust (NHS LIFT) programme has helped the private and public sectors work in partnership to deliver quality primary healthcare and community facilities across England. Through 49 individual LIFT companies, it has improved primary and social care services and increased access to these in some of the most deprived communities.

Prime is the delivery partner in two LIFT companies, BaS LIFT, which serves Birmingham and Solihull and Prima 200, which serves Staffordshire. As joint ventures, the LIFT companies deliver cutting-edge health and social care infrastructure and supporting consultancy across the Midlands and serve two of the largest and most diverse communities across the national LIFT programme.

As the LIFT programme celebrates its twentieth anniversary, The LIFT Council (the representative body for LIFT companies (LIFTCOs) in England) launched its #NHSLIFT20 campaign earlier this month to celebrate this milestone.

Writing to LIFT Council members following the announcement of the #NHSLIFT20 last week, the Prime Minister said:

“I appreciate all the major benefits the NHS LIFT initiative and LIFT companies involved have brought to improving and modernising local primary and community health facilities in the NHS. Congratulations to all working on the NHS LIFT Programme on reaching this significant milestone.”

Responding to the Prime Minister’s praise of the NHS LIFT programme, The LIFT Council Chair Sarah Beaumont-Smith said:

“We are hugely grateful for the Prime Minister’s support for the NHS LIFT Programme and the welcomed recognition of how much has been achieved by the public and private sectors working together to deliver quality community health facilities. As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, the Prime Minister’s words give us huge momentum as LIFT buildings continue to play a vital role in the current and future healthcare challenges we face.”

Speaking to the achievements of the BaS and Prima 200 LIFT Programmes, Group Financial Controller at Prime and The LIFT Council member Hannah Cashmore said:

“Over the last 17 years, the BaS and Prima 200 LIFT Programmes have helped their public sector partners transform delivery of local health and social care services across the Midlands. Prime is very proud to be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the NHS LIFT Programme and will continue to deliver cutting-edge health and social care infrastructure in the Birmingham, Solihull and Staffordshire regions.”

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