The Herefordshire Board Gamers are collective of gamers who meet regularly to play games, either solely for fun or to raise money for charity. They house a lending library with over 400 games and puzzles, open to the public, which enable locals to try games for free at events or at home.
The group applied to the foundation to purchase new board games, some tables and chairs and funds to hire an accessible venue for events.
Funds were made available for this grant through the development of Station Medical Centre in Hereford.
Click here to look at what events the Herefordshire Board Gamers have coming up.
“It has been life changing for me… last year I was introduced to online games. At my age, 64, I thought it would be snakes and ladders...no these are fun ones, some a twist on old games, mystery, team games, list is long. When covid restrictions were being lifted, they were so excited and talk of venues and getting back to the face-to-face contact was infectious. I was asked if I would like to come along but it took a while to be ready. A few months ago I was told there was a game day at the Richmond club, an accessible venue, thanks to the grant. I know this place and its wheelchair friendly… so to cut long story short I made it through the doors into a different world full of excited, eager to help, friendly people of all ages. (First time out of house in 2 years! full stop!) A huge turning point for me. A long journey still but I’m sticking with my newfound friends and that’s thanks to you. ”
Club attendee