Plot 2 SSD, Aseptic Pharmacy & Office Space

Adanac Health and Innovation Campus

Thank you for taking the time to find out more about plans for the next phase of development at Adanac Health and Innovation Campus. This page is a place to view plans, learn more about the type of building being proposed for the site and to find out how the project is progressing.


Our proposal

Adanac Health & Innovation Campus is a health, research and enterprise hub in the Nursling area of Southampton. The campus masterplan has been jointly developed by University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS) and Prime through their Commercial Estates Development Partnership (CEDP). Together they are looking to invest in Southampton as a region for medical excellence. The new campus provides an opportunity to bring together health and research organisations, educators and businesses to attract the brightest talent to the area and enrich the local economy.

In December 2019 Prime secured planning from both Southampton City Council and Test Valley Borough Council which established the principle of creating a health campus at Adanac Park, off Brownhill Way, Southampton. Work has begun to create a park-and-ride facility at the site, which will serve the staff of UHS during the week and utilised by Southampton City Council on weekend and plans for a drive-thru coffee outlet are currently being considered by Test Valley Borough Council.

UHS and Prime are now looking to secure planning approval (through a reserved matters application) for the next phase of development, creating a sterile services and aseptic pharmacy building inclusive of office space, to serve UHS.

What would be developed?

A purpose-built, state-of-the-art development to house the following:

Sterile services department: A specialist facility providing sterilisation of medical devices, equipment and instruments used in medical care.

Aseptic pharmacy: A controlled environment in which highly qualified staff can prepare injectable medicine.

Office space: An agile workspace for largely non-clinical staff.

The proposed building will be three storeys in height, with the sterile services department situated on the ground floor, the aseptic pharmacy on the first floor and office space on the second floor.

Why is the development needed?

At present, these facilities are based on-site at Southampton General Hospital. As UHS’s largest site, it is home to the main hospital, university and research buildings. Space for clinical expansion is now very limited.

UHS delivers exceptional standards of care for the region. As a leading university teaching hospital it delivers world-class treatments for patients in the region whilst leading ground-breaking research to meet the challenges of the future. By freeing up space on the hospital site and being served by an outstanding new SSD and aseptic pharmacy, the Trust will be supported to continue improving services for the county in a time of ever-increasing demand.

Where will this be developed?

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust have identified Plot Two of Adanac Health and Innovation Campus as a suitable site for this development. Plot Two is directly adjacent to the Brownhill Way roundabout.

Adanac site map

How would this development affect travel in the area?

All car journeys to and from the new building would access the site via Adanac Drive. The Frogmore Lane access point to the east of the site will be used only by buses serving the park and ride.

Due to the nature of the building’s use, shift patterns of staff working at the facility will be staggered. The development is therefore not expected to create a large impact on local roadways at the peak hours of other local businesses.

Furthermore, the staff who would work in the proposed building currently travel through Southampton to reach Southampton General Hospital. We believe the proposed facility would have a limited impact on local road infrastructure.


To serve the needs of UHS, the SSD element of the building would need to be operational 24 hours a day. To minimise light and noise impact for those living closest to the site on Bargain Close, the service yard which will be accessed by service vehicles around every six hours, will be situated at the south of the building, facing Brownhill Way.


Please scroll through the gallery to see some examples of how the new building may look. These indicative designs offer an accurate representation of the scale and shape of development, and where it is situated within the site.


There is an opportunity to improve the site by planting trees and plants across the southern boundary of the area. This will promote biodiversity on site and contribute to an attractive appearance. As part of UHS’s goal to reach net carbon zero by 2045, PV panels will be installed to produce renewable energy for the facility. An additional benefit of creating a hospital facility at Adanac Health and Innovation Campus is shortening the journeys of commuting staff, reducing impact on air quality in the city centre.

Your thoughts

Thank you for taking the time to find out more about plans for the development of a coffee shop with Drive Thru facility at Adanac Health and Innovation Campus. This page is a place to view plans, learn more about the type of building proposed for the site and to find out how the project is progressing. At this time planning permission has been granted, any comments submitted during the consultation period were passed on to Test Valley Borough Council.

Project update






Planning Permission


Financial Close


In construction

Phase 4

Financial Close